Financial Education: A Perspective from the Panela Industry
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financial education
financial skills
panela sector

How to Cite

Financial Education: A Perspective from the Panela Industry. (2024). Revista De Investigaciones De UNIAGRARIA, 11(1), 61-70.


Financial education goes beyond knowing terms of financial mathematics, the importance of saving and the recognition of interest rates, when being part of the financial system. Financial education must be a cultural attitude, with a vision of the future, where the different actors such as academia, banking, associations and government guide without falling into bureaucratization, rethinking social responsibility in the light of this concept, reflecting, visualizing and materializing what the country really needs.

The panel sector in Colombia, through this research, reveals the importance of persuading and promoting knowledge in financial education as a key and prospective element for decision making, where the concept of savings and indebtedness culture, allow maintaining the viability of the productive units.

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