Proposal for nutritional management in Cedrela montana Moritz ex Turcz
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plant physiology

How to Cite

Suárez Rivero, D., Marín Mahecha, O., Agudelo Gutiérrez, L. D., & Suárez Rivero, M. (2017). Proposal for nutritional management in Cedrela montana Moritz ex Turcz. Journal of Research in Engineering Science- JRES, 2, 103-118.


Non-synthetic fertilizers (FNS) have a great potential to increase the competitiveness of forest plants for a variety of reforestation sites, from open to avenues in large cities. However, there is an unusual knowledge about them. In order to use the FNS successfully, its formulation and its effects on the morphometric variables (percentage of coverage, %), and how dimensionless measures of the degree of coverage of cup, cup index, life space index, cup amount and degree of slenderness, which are determined with a biweekly frequency and the growth analyzed starting from the accumulation of biomass (biomass increase in time - IBT, rate of relative growth - TCR and energy efficiency) to determine the biomass dry in two moments, at the beginning and at the end of the study period. This work synthesizes types of FNS (organic, mineral and biological origin) and several researches associated with their use, are found as objects of study, once we can see the homogeneity between the different treatments at the same time but varies from one moment to the evaluation of a moment and a water loss in the determination of dry biomass in some cases, 50 % of the fresh mass, mainly in those plants, leaves were in the juvenile state. Only favorable differences have been found in those that were treated with mineralization in bandwidth one.
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